Job opportunities for professionals in the healthcare industry are on the rise across the United States, with medical billing and medical transcriptionists in high demand. This increase correlates dir…
Job opportunities for professionals in the healthcare industry are on the rise across the United States, with medical billing and medical transcriptionists in high demand. This increase correlates dir…
Factors Considered in E&M CodingType of Service: Services covered in the E&M section include, but are not limited to, physician encounters in all locations for "well" or "sick" visits, patient transpo…
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes is a Medical Billing Coding set maintained by the editorial panel of the American Medical Association (AMA). The CPT Procedural Coding set is used for standa…
When the same type of vaccine is administered to fewer than 5 Medicare beneficiaries on the same day, you must submit the claim(s) individually via the 'Home Health' Option 26 from the Claims Entry Me…
In this era of payment based on diagnostic and procedural coding, the professional ethics of health information coding professionals continue to be challenged. A conscientious goal for coding and main…
Delivering quality healthcare depends on capturing accurate and timely medical data. Medical coding professionals fulfill this need as key players in the healthcare workplace. The medical coding profe…