Pelvic pain is any pain in the area of the pelvis, which is the lower part of the abdomen between the hip bones. There are so many other terminologies for Pelvic pain. It is also known as abnormal dev…
Pelvic pain is any pain in the area of the pelvis, which is the lower part of the abdomen between the hip bones. There are so many other terminologies for Pelvic pain. It is also known as abnormal dev…
Hidradenitis is combination of two Greek words i.e. Hidros and adenos. In simple word sweat gland. Some authors also use the term "apocrinitis" rather than hidradenitis due to the fact that this dis…
In medical world, Hidradenitis is considered as one of the most common mis-coded condition. It is commonly incorrectly documented which leads to mis-coding. Hidradenitis is simply an inflammation o…
Unlike other treatment codes, dermatology coding seems difficult for coders because these codes are badly loaded with many difficult aspects like coders have to memorize a lot of terms and unique asp…
Modifiers are two-character suffixes either alpha or numeric. A modifier can also have both alpha and numeric values that are attached to a procedure code. CPT modifiers are defined by the American M…
For Medicare purposes, modifiers are two-digit codes appended to procedure codes and HCPCS codes. They are used to provide additional information about the billed procedure. Mostly, addition of a mo…
Psyquel Mental Health Billing is a web based billing and collection service. It is a product by Psyquel Solutions, located in San Antonio, Texas, United Sates. Psyquel is considered a perfect billing …
Practice Mate is medical billing software. Now you may think, ok a medical billing software , so what but the information is that it is free online billing software. It’s integration with with Offi…
Modifier 25 is used to report an Evaluation and Management Service on a day when another service was provided to the patient by the same physician. It is shortly known as E/M service, Modifier 25 is…
The Medicare National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) includes Procedure-to-Procedure edits and they are very helpful in some particular situation. These edits define when two Healthcare Common Proc…