Bradycardia means that the human heart beats slower as usual.
Normal heart beat rate is 60 to 100
beats a minute while at rest is considered normal. If your heart beats less
than 60 times a minute, it is slower than normal. Slow heart beat can be
perfect normal in some people and at the same time, it can be a sign of problem
in some others.
A slow heart rate can be normal and healthy. Like for some
people, a slow heart rate does not cause any problems. It can be a sign of being
very fit. Healthy young adults and athletes often have heart rates of less than
60 beats a minute. In other people, bradycardia is a sign of a problem with the
heart's electrical system. It means that the heart's natural pacemaker isn't
working right or that the electrical pathways of the heart are disrupted. In
severe cases , the heart beats could be so slowly that it doesn't pump enough
blood to meet the body's needs. This can cause symptoms and can be
Usually people with age 65 and older are most likely to
develop a slow heart rate that needs treatment. As a person ages, the
electrical system of the heart often doesn't function normally. According to
clinical information, this condition is characterized by the site of origin of
impulses, controlling the heart rate, changing within the atria, including the
sinus node. Variations within p waves and pr intervals occur and an irregular
rate of impulse formation is observed.
Bradycardia ICD 9 Code
Here you can find all relevant information about Bradycardia
as well as ICD 9 Code which applies to it.
ICD 9 Code for Bradycardia
It is derangement in the normal functioning of the
sinoatrial node. Typically, sa node dysfunction is manifest as sinoatrial exit
block or sinus arrest, but may present as an absolute or relative bradycardia
in the presence of a stressor. It may be associated with
bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
ICD-9-CM 427.89 is a billable medical code that can be used
to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim. But the important thing is
that 427.89 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before
September 30, 2015.
ICD 10 Code for Bradycardia
For claims with a date of service on or after October 1,
2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code. On converting ICD-9 to ICD-10-CM, 427.89 converts
approximately to ICD-10-CM I49.8.
Approximate Synonyms
Following are approximate synonyms for Bradycardia
- Abnormal femoral pulse
- Abnormal pulse rate
- Abnormal radial pulse
- Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
- Anadicrotic pulse
- Apex beat displaced - LVH
- Apex beat displaced - RVH
- Atrial bigeminy
- Atrial ectopic tachycardia
- Atrial tachycardia
- Atrial tachycardia, multifocal
- Atrial trigeminy
- Atrioventricular (av) bradycardia (slow heart beat)
- Atrioventricular (av) tachycardia (fast heart beat)
- Atrioventricular junctional heart rhythm
- Atrioventricular junctional rhythm
- Atrioventricular junctional tachycardia
- Atrioventricular nodal re entrant tachycardia
- Atrio-ventricular node arrhythmia
- Atrioventricular tachycardia
- Atrio-ventricular-junctional (nodal) bradycardia (disorder)
- Atrio-ventricular-junctional bradycardia
- AV junctional bradycardia
- AV junctional re entrant tachycardia
- AV junctional rhythm
- AV re-entry tachycardia
- AV-junctional (nodal) bradycardia
- Baseline bradycardia
- Bigeminal pulse
- Bigeminy, ventricular
- Bradyarrhythmia
- Bradycardia
- Bradycardia (slow heart rate)
- Bradycardia, drug induced, in therapeutic use
- Chronic ectopic atrial tachycardia
- Dicrotic pulse
- Drug-induced bradycardia
- Ectopic atrial beats
- Ectopic atrial tachycardia
- Ectopic atrial tachycardia (heart rhythm disorder)
- Ectopic beats
- Fourth sound gallop
- Fusion beats
- Gallop rhythm
- His bundle tachycardia
- Idiojunctional tachycardia
- Idioventricular rhythm
- Inappropriate sinus tachycardia
- Inappropriate sinus tachycardia (rapid heart beat)
- Incessant atrial tachycardia
- Incisional tachycardia
- Labile pulse
- Left atrial incisional tachycardia
- Left atrial rhythm
- Marked sinus arrhythmia
- Moderate hypokinesis of cardiac wall
- Multifocal atrial tachycardia
- Multifocal atrial tachycardia (heart beat disorder)
- Nodal rhythm disorder
- Nonsustained paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
- On examination - pulse rate - bradycardia
- P wave left axis deviation
- Plateau pulse
- Postoperative His bundle tachycardia
- Postoperative sinoatrial disease
- Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
- Pulse deficit
- Pulse irregular
- Pulse irregularly irregular
- Pulse missed beats
- Pulse regularly irregular
- Pulsus trigeminus
- Re-entrant atrial
- Re-entrant
atrioventricular node tachycardia
- Re-entrant atrioventricular tachycardia
- Right atrial incisional tachycardia
- Sinoatrial nodal reentrant tachycardia
- Sinus arrest with ventricular escape
- Sinus bradycardia
- Sinus bradycardia (slow heart beat)
- Sinus tachycardia
- Sinus tachycardia (fast heart beat)
- Summation gallop
- Supraventricular tachycardia
- Supraventricular tachycardia, nonsustained
- Symptomatic sinus bradycardia
- Vagal autonomic bradycardia
- Ventricular bigeminy
- Ventricular trigeminy
- Wandering atrial pacemaker
- Wandering pacemaker
- Withdrawal arrhythmia
427.89 Excludes
- carotid sinus syncope (337.0)
- neonatal bradycardia (779.81)
- neonatal tachycardia (779.82)
- reflex bradycardia (337.0)
- tachycardia NOS (785.0)
Relevent ICD 10 Code