premature expulsion of the products of conception from the uterus is known as
Abortion. It can be embryo or a non-viable fetus. In simple words, the coding
or labeling of the medical report named as spontaneous abortion may be somewhat
problematic. The CPT codes properly use the medical term abortion.
abortion, another term “interrupted pregnancy” is often used. It refers to a
pregnancy that did not proceed to full term. A full-term pregnancy is normally
between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation. There are numerous ways to classify an
interrupted pregnancy. It can be an abortion or it can be a miscarriage.
Abortion or miscarriage both are considered as
natural death of an embryo or fetus. A miscarriage is one of the most
common complications of early pregnancy. Most commonly, a miscarriage happens
within the first trimester of pregnancy. Generally coding for these types of
complications can be difficult, as they don’t come under “normal pregnancy
package “of antepartum care, delivery, and postpartum care.
is a slight difference in timeframe definition of the term abortion versus
fetal death, when we talk about the
transition from ICD-9-CM to CD-10-CM. In ICD-9-CM, the definition of abortion
codes is 22 weeks. In ICD-10-CM, the timeframe is changed to 20 weeks. The
clinical documentation for the notation of trimester, or the notation of
gestational weeks, in ICD-10-CM is imperative i.e. First trimester is 0-14
weeks, second trimester is 14-28 weeks, third trimester is 28-40 weeks.
CPT Codes: Elective, Missed, Spontaneous, Incomplete
may be categorized as either spontaneous, the natural termination of pregnancy
prior to the 20th week of gestation, or a deliberate attempt has been made to
terminate the pregnancy. There can be different causes of abortion, some of
them are listed below:
missed abortion refers to the prolonged retention of a fetus that died in the
first half of pregnancy. In other words,
an empty gestational sac, blighted ovum or a fetus or fetal pole with a
heartbeat prior to completion of 20 weeks 0 days gestation, is termed as missed
The provider documents that a fetal death has occurred prior to the
completion of 22 weeks gestation (in ICD-9-CM) or 20 weeks gestation (in
ICD-10-CM) with the dead fetus remaining in the uterus for a period of time. According
to ICD-9-CM definition, the timeframe
used for missed abortion is 22 weeks while ACOG defines as 20 weeks. Beyond this period
of time, code 656.43 is used for missed delivery, with diagnosis code: 632.
abortion code is reported with only 3 digits. The evacuation of the uterus in
cases like Sounding of uterus for size, serial dilation of cervix with
mechanical dilators, emptying uterine cavity of products of conception using, administration
of intravenous oxytocin, removal of instruments or repair of cervical incision.
All these steps are coded according to the trimester in which the procedure is
performed i.e.
- 59820
for the first trimester while completed surgically.
- 59821
for the second trimester while completed surgically.
Abortion (Miscarriage)
A spontaneous
abortion that is complete (any trimester) and the physician manages the patient
medically, without any surgical intervention is termed as complete abortion. In
other words, if POC are expelled without surgical or medical intervention. It
is also called miscarriage. It can be further categorized as septic or non
septic. When the tissue from a missed or incomplete miscarriage becomes
infected, it is called septic miscarriage. The infection of the uterus carries risk of spreading infection
(septicemia) and is a grave risk to the life of the woman.
code for this case is 634 but procedure reported (depends on gestational age)with
diagnosis code 634.X2. In such case, the
physician should report the appropriate level of evaluation and management
code, dependent on the place where the patient is seen. Code 99201 to 99233 are
appropriate for such cases.
incomplete abortion occurs when the uterus is not entirely emptied of its
contents. Fragments of the products of conception may remain within the uterus,
or can be found in the vagina. Some fragments of the products of conception may
have spontaneously passed out of the vagina. A condition like this is called
incomplete abortion.
The provider documents the POC "have not been expelled" or
"incompletely expelled" from the uterus. Code 59812 is used to report
the dilation and curettage for the surgical management of an incomplete
abortion. Code 59812 is not appropriate, if the patient is septic and is
diagnosed as experiencing an incomplete abortion.
Codes for different types of Abortions
a coder, your main task is to match up what is on the operative note to the CPT
code for the most closely aligned services that are performed. Below is the
entire listing of CPT services for abortive procedure services:
- 59812, treatment of incomplete abortion, any trimester, completed
- 59820, treatment of missed abortion; completed surgically, first
- 59821, treatment of missed abortion; completed surgically, second
- 59830, surgical treatment of septic abortion, completed surgically.
- 59840, induced abortion by dilation and curettage.
- 59841, induced abortion by dilation and evacuation.
- 59850,
induced abortion by one or more intra-amniotic injections (amniocentesis
injections), including hospital admission and visits, and delivery of fetus and
- 59851, induced abortion by one or more intra-amniotic injections
(amniocentesis injections), including hospital admission and visits, and delivery of fetus
and secundines; with dilation and curettage and/or evacuation.
- 59852, induced abortion by one or more intra-amniotic injections
(amniocentesis injections), including hospital admission and visits, and delivery of
fetus and secundines; with hysterotomy.
- 59855, induced abortion one or more vaginal suppositories (e.g.,
prostaglandin) with or without cervical dilation (e.g., laminaria), including
hospital admission
and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines.
- 59856, induced abortion one or more vaginal suppositories (e.g.,
prostaglandin) with or without cervical dilation (e.g., laminaria), including
hospital admission and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines; with intra-amniotic
injections, dilation and curettage and/or evacuation.
- 59857, induced abortion one or more vaginal suppositories (e.g.,
prostaglandin) with or without cervical dilation (e.g., laminaria), including
hospital admission and visits, delivery of fetus and secundines; with vaginal
suppositories and hysterotomy.

Hi all. Can anyone advise which year CPT deleted the following abortion codes? 59105-59106, 59240, 59800-59802, 59810-59812, and/or 59861? Thank you.